© Copyright 2013 Zephyr Engineering, Inc
HF1 User’s Manual
Version 1.1
– 16 September 2013
<svn.sdrstick.com>. Sections 2.4 and 2.5 of the lab walk you through the Quartus II
Web Edition and USB Blaster driver installation. Quartus II Web Edition
This is an extremely large download (about 4.4GB). Unless you have a fast connection
to the Internet, it will take a long time to download. You may be able to save some
download time by downloading individual files rather that the entire Quartus II Web
Edition package. Click on the “Individual Files” tab to select individual components. You
will need two components:
Quartus II Software (includes Nios II EDS
Cyclone II,
Cyclone III, Cyclone IV device support
). The combined size of these two components
is only a bit over 2GB. After the download finishes, click on the file to install the
software. Quartus II Programmer
To load the Quartus II Programmer, you must go to the “Individual Files” tab and select
Quartus II Programmer and SignalTap II
. The size is about 140MB. After the
download finishes, click on the file to install the software. USB Blaster Driver
No download of the USB Blaster driver is required, as it is included with both the
Quartus II Web Edition and Quartus II Programmer. SDRstickTM Programmer
Programmer is a Windows application that you can download from
<svn.sdrstick.com>. Look in the <sdrstick-release> directory under <sdrstick-
The SDRstick
Programmer from <svn.sdrstick.com> is an executable windows
installer file. Run the installer and follow the instructions. To un-install, run the installer
again and select the uninstall option.
3.2 Step QS2
– Install USB Blaster Driver
The USB Blaster driver is included in the Quartus II Web Edition and Quartus II
Programmer software. Once you have installed one of those two applications, plug the
BeMicroSDK (without the HF1 attached) into a USB port. Cancel the windows
installation of the driver, and go to the device manager. Find the “USB Blaster” entry in
the table (it will have a yellow “!” next to it) and update the driver for it. Point the updater
to the drivers, typically in the <C:\altera\13.0\quartus\drivers> for version 13.0. The
system variable QUARTUS_ROOTDIR should contain the path to the directory
containing the <drivers> directory.
Once the USB Blaster driver is properly installed, the power LED should light on the
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