If Bluetooth address is empty when operate the BPPLINK
program, the program will enter Bluetooth address setting
automatically (Refer to Figure 1). If there is the existed
address, the BPPLINK will search Bluetooth service and
establish the connection. When the LCD of mobile phone
shows green icon, you can start taking measurements.
Note: You have to power off HPL-208 and then power on
before operating BPPLINK program. It cannot establish
blue tooth connection to power off HPL-208.
3. Bluetooth Link
(1) HPL-208 BPM will link the mobile phone automatically
when BPPLINK program is operating.
(2) Select “Bluetooth Link” on main function list (Refer to
Figure 2), and then mobile phone will show “bluetooth
service searching” (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Figure 4
(3) Figure 4: Please key-in cable soft password “12345”.