Square TMD
Technical Support:
On the other hand, the “
[Btn] [In] Light Dimming (Status)
” one-byte object may be
linked to the light level status object of the dimmer (in fact, this object is only intended
to receive values from the bus, not to send them). As explained in, the state-
dependent LED lighting will be determined by the value of this object (LED off at 0%
and on at any other level)
The parameters for this function are:
: defines the dimming step (“100%”, “50%”, “25%”, “12.5%”, “6.25%”,
“3.1%” or “1.5%”) to be sent (through “
[Btn] [In] Light - Dimming
”) to the
light dimmer with every long press.
since dimmers typically do not apply the new light level immediately
(i.e., the step is performed progressively) and since Square TMD sends an
order to interrupt the step dimming once the user releases the button, it is
advisable to configure a step of 100%. This way, the user can perform any
dimming step by simply leaving the button pressed and then releasing it,
without needing to make successive button presses
LED illumination control
: analogous to the homonymous parameter for all
the above functions (see previous pages). The options in this case are
“Regular”, “State dependent” and “Dedicated object”.
Figure 36
Individual Button - Shutter.
The (alternating) move up/down orders will be sent through the “
[Btn] [In] Shutter -
” one-bit object, while the (alternating) step up/down orders will be through the
[Btn] [In] Shutter - Stop / Step
” one-bit object.
Additionally, a one-byte object (“
[Btn] [In] Shutter Position
”) is provided to link it to
the position status object of the shutter actuator (in fact, this object is only intended to
receive values from the bus, not to send them). As explained in 2.3.3, the alternation of