Firmware Update – Z41
Technical Support:
Updating the firmware through the local network from a PC running the Windows
operating system requires an Ethernet cable connected to Z41 or Z41 Pro by means of
the adapter supplied with the original packaging of the device.
this firmware updating method is only available for Z41 and Z41 Pro as Z41 Lite
does not incorporate an Ethernet interface.
Note that:
The PC that will be used for the firmware update needs as well to be connected
to the local network (through an Ethernet cable).
This procedure only works for wired networks. It is not supported under
wireless networks
The local network must be running a
DHCP server
(implemented for example
in the network router) that dynamically and automatically assigns IP addresses
to any new devices joining the network.
Versions 1.x and 2.x of the Z41 application program only try to connect to the IP
network at the boot stage. In case this process fails (e.g., due to the
disconnection of the Ethernet cable), it is necessary to
disconnect and
connect back the power supply
of Z41 in order to make it retry the
connection, once the problem has been solved. This requirement does not
apply to either Z41 3.0 (or greater) or Z41 Pro.
Z41 3.0 (or greater) and Z41 Pro 1.1 (or greater) let the integrator enable or
disable, from ETS, the firmware updates through the USB port. Bear in mind that the
procedure described next assumes that such function was marked as “enabled” (which
is the default option) during the last parameterisation applied. Please refer to section
3.1.1 and to the user manual of Z41 or Z41 Pro for further detail
These are the steps: