Technical Support:
No additional parameter configuration is required for this function.
If enabled, the following communication objects will be available:
Communication Error
: one-bit object that reflects whether there are (value
“1”) or not (value “0”) any errors in the communication with the P1/P2 bus.
This type of error may be due to an interruption of the communication with the
main user control (i.e., more than three seconds –after the initial
communication sequence– with no reception of valid frames addressed to the
additional control), or to the existence of multiple additional
controls in the
P1/P2 bus (KLIC-DA is supposed to replace the additional control).
if two or more additional user controls are found to exist in the P1/P2
bus, KLIC-DA LT will report a communication error and will then require that
the Altherma LT system is switched off prior to removing the unneeded
additional control. Once removed, the Altherma LT system can be switched
back on (KLIC-DA LT will then report the end of the communication error)
: one-bit object that reflects whether Altherma LT itself has
informed about a malfunction in the system (value “1”). When such situation
is over, or if no malfunction has been reported by the Altherma LT system,
this object will have the value “0”.
Whenever any of the above objects changes its value, KLIC-DA LT will automatically
send it to the KNX bus.
No additional parameter configuration is required for this function.
If enabled, the following communication objects will be available:
[Temperatures] DHW Tank
: two-byte object that reflects the current
temperature of the DHW tank, as reported by the Altherma LT system.
[Temperatures] Inlet Water
: two-byte object that that reflects the current
temperature of the inlet water flow, as reported by the Altherma LT system.