Operating Manual ZEMMLER MULTI SCREEN MS 1600
Identification of documentation
This submitted operating manual refers to the double trommel according to identification
sheet (chapter
). For
a clear allocation, each page’s footer of the operating manual is
labeled with the serial number and date of manufacturing. The complete identification
includes the following information: MS1600.119.01.18
Guarantee of commitment and warranty
The machine documentation including all of its parts is copyrighted. Each and every
application outside the restrictions of the law of copyright without our permission is
forbidden and chargeable. This in particular reckons for duplication and editing.
An abandonment of the operating manual to a third party is forbidden and obligates to
pay damage.
All information and advices for the service and maintenance of the machine considering
our current experiences and knowledge in all conscience. We reserve the right to all
technical changes due to the improvement of this particular machine. Only these spare
parts, approved by us and listed in the spare part book, are being allowed to use.
We are liable for possible mistakes or default, under exclusion further demands, within
the liability of guarantee of the main agreement. Claims for damages exist likewise in
extend arranged duties of compensation of the main agreement.
Translations are done at best knowledge. We cannot take liability for mistranslation.
The delivered German version of this documentation remains authoritative.
The textual and graphical descriptions do not necessary match the scope of delivery
respectively a spare part order. The drawings, graphics and photomontage do not
accord the scale 1:1.
Beyond legal warranties for defects of the distributor, we as manufacturer guarantee
under the following premises an acceptable durability of proper use Zemmler
Siebanlagen GmbH products.
The warranty expanse to the function of Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH products and
covers all defects, detectable to fabrication or material failures.
We do not take liability for secondary damages!
We do not take liability for damage to property or persons caused by faulty operating or
ignoring of all safety advices. In such cases any claim of warranty expires.
Condition of warranty: