This mechanical treatment uses external suction to lift the body tissues via moving or static
cups. The treatment is similar to a massage; however, suction is applied instead of pressure. If
performed correctly the treatment is very relaxing. The main use of this treatment is to
stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems, thus aiding the flow of waste products and
tissue fluids from the area to the nearest lymph nodes. The treatment can be applied to any
part of the body where there is sufficient adipose tissue. It is often used in conjunction with
other treatments and is most beneficial if used as a course of treatments.
The suction effect occurs due to a reduced atmospheric pressure inside the hand-piece. As
the air is sucked out, the skin and subcutaneous tissue is sucked upwards.
Uses of the vacuum suction treatment
To improve and reduce areas of cellulite.
To improve poor blood circulation.
To improve poor lymphatic circulation and drain waste products from the tissues.
To reduce areas of fluid retention or oedema (non-systemic).
To assist with the removal of fatty deposits for example on the thighs, abdomen, tops of arms,
buttocks or dowagers hump - all in-conjunction with diet and exercise.
A combination of Vacuum and RF in one treatment has been demonstrated to effectively
improve body contour and reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, it can result in up to
a seven centimeter reduction in thigh circumference after a complete series of treatment
sessions.Most patients opt for a series of six to ten treatment sessions for each area and see a
gradual, noticeable improvement in skin smoothness, circumference, and contour.While this is
not a permanent treatment and maintenance treatments are necessary, patients can extend
results by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and proper
nutrition. Pressing the trigger activates a vacuum coupling and massaging effect. Meanwhile,
Radiofrequency energies are emitted. This widens local blood vessels and increases blood
circulation and lymphatic drainage.The effects of all these changes results in a circumferential
reduction of the treated area, improvement in visible cellulite, and body reshaping.