1. Always use the proper technique: direct the handpiece in towards the skin fold
A lot of providers perform incorrect techniques by simply gliding the cavitation probe over the
skin; this technique could potentially be unsafe for the abdomen area.
The proper technique is to hold the skin fold using one hand and focusing the cavitation
handpiece into this fatty fold; this technique helps to accumulate the power of ultrasound
waves inside the hypodermal fatty layer and prevents the ultrasound from going through into
the abdomen area.
2. Perform targeted treatments instead of covering a large area within one treatment
Another mistake that several providers make is treating a large skin area at once combined
with moving the handpiece over the skin too quickly. This technique doesn't allow the
handpiece to stay over the treated area long enough, and ultrasound vibration cannot be
forced on the targeted fatty cells - resulting in a less effective treatment.
The most effective way is to focus on a small skin area about 4" x 4" or 6" x 6" for the entirety of
the treatment of 20-30 minutes depending on the location. You should use slow motions
giving time for the energy to penetrate the skin and effectively work with the adipocytes.
Always ensure to reapply conductive gel during the treatment to allow ultrasound to
penetrate evenly into the skin.
3. Perform the lymphatic drainage treatment for the entire body after each cavitation session
If you have an opportunity to perform a full body lymph drainage massage, such as
Pressotherapy, LPG, or EMS muscle stimulation, always offer these treatments in a package
with your cavitation treatments. An additional full body massage can help to keep healthy
liquid circulation, reduce edema, and drastically enhance skin oxygenation which leads to
firmer skin and less cellulite appearance.