CVS4 Component Video Switch
The RS-232 Port
The RS-232 port on the CVS4 is the same format, and pinout, as a PC-modem, and uses the
same type of cable as a standard serial modem would, which is a standard straight through
cable. Do not use a cable that is marked as a “Null Modem” cable.
The CVS4 can also be used with any USB to RS-232 conversion cable, these are all typically
straight through cables.
The RS-232 port is a female type DE-9 connector (sometimes mistakenly referred to as a DB-9
connector) with the following pinout:
5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6
Pin definitions:
1 - No Connect 6 - No Connect
2 - TX 7 - No Connect
3 - RX 8 - No Connect
4 - No Connect 9 - No Connect
5 - GND
The port settings used by the CVS4 are:
Baudrate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: NONE
The communications protocol used is Zektor’s exclusive K.I.S.S.™ (Keep It Simple Serial™)