Zeiss Humphrey Systems Acuitus User Manual
PN 50648 Rev A June 2001
Aligning the eye, Model 5000
Align the Eye: Model 5000
Use the joystick to align the optics head.
• Rotating the joystick clockwise or counter clockwise raises and lowers the
optics head.
• Pushing the joystick left or right moves the optics head left or right.
• Pulling or pushing the joystick moves the optics head forward and backward.
Watch the image in the eye monitor on the refraction screen as you use the joystick to
move the optics head
Clearing Results to Re-refract
The last refraction for one or both eyes remains in the instrument’s memory until another
refraction is initiated or the five-minute time-out limit is passed. There are two ways to
clear refraction data from the display immediately if you would like to re-refract an eye.
1. Reposition the optics head. If you have measured both eyes, moving the optics head
back to the first eye will clear data for that eye and allow you to take another
measurement. Results for the second eye will remain on the display unless the optics
head is moved to that eye a second time.
2. Print results. Pressing the Print button prints out the examination results, clears the
patient’s data from the refractor, and prepares the instrument for the next patient.
Turning off the power also erases all stored refraction data.