10.2.4. Maintenance
The condensate pump needs to be cleaned regularly with bleach to maintain the correct operation of the internal valves
and the level detection device. The maintenance frequency should be adapted to the environment in which the
ventilation unit operates.
At each maintenance operation (preventive and curative), check that the pump is working correctly and does not make
any suspicious noises by forcing it to start up by pouring water into the condensate tray. The condition of the suction
and discharge pipes and their connections should be checked.
10.2.5. Performance and operating limits
Maximum length
10 m
Maximum height difference
5 m
Maximum condensate temperature
+35 °C
Thermal overheating protection
(automatic restart)
+115 °C
Overflow contact
NC (normally closed)
8 A resistive - 250 Vac
14 W
10.2.6. Installation of the lifting pump Preliminary checks
First check the condensate tray and pipes for particles (metal chips, plaster/concrete debris) that may have been
produced by the installation and transportation operation and remove them if necessary to avoid pump failure. Installation
Remove the section of pipe that comes as standard
with the central ventilation unit for gravity flow without
a high point.
Fix the pump support to the pre-drilled wall (sheet
metal screws x2).
Zehnder Eversky