8.2.6 Remove the spool (3) from the swivel assembly (5). Remove the O-rings (2,4) from the spool using a
sharp pin or pick to pierce the O-ring and flip it off of the spool. Take care not to scratch the O-ring sealing
surface on the spool as you remove the O-rings.
8.2.7 If it is in good shape, the swivel assembly (5) can be left in the body. If it is going to be changed, remove
it from the valve body (8) at this time.
8.2.8 Use expanding Cir-Clip pliers to remove the Cir-Clip (6) from the body.
8.2.9 Remove the purge collar (7) from the body. Place a mark on the bottom edge of the collar to remind
you which way the collar will go back on during assembly.
8.2.10 Remove and discard the nylon purge valve (11).
8.2.11 Turn the handwheel (18) halfway between fully opened and fully closed to position the valve plug
assembly loosely.
8.2.12 Use a 5/32” Allen wrench to remove the stem nut, spring, handwheel and nylon washer (20, 19, 18,
17) from the valve stem (13).
8.2.13 Use a small adjustable wrench to remove the bonnet nut (16) from the body.
8.2.14 Remove the stem (13) from the bonnet nut.
8.2.14 Remove and discard the Teflon washer (14) and the O-ring (15) from the bonnet nut (16).
8.2.15 Use the stem (13) to turn the valve plug assembly (that you loosened in step 8.2.11) completely out of
the body. Discard the plug assembly.
8.2.16 Put all metal parts (except the gauge 9) that need cleaning into an ultra-sonic cleaner. Refer to section
6.2 for cleaning recommendations. Rinse the parts in fresh water and blow them dry for inspection.
8.3.1 If the filler valve was passing air even when the handwheel was firmly shut, look closely at the cone
shaped orifice where the valve plug assembly was removed from. If any significant nicks are seen on the
sealing surface of the orifice, then the body (8) will have to be replaced.
8.3.2 Inspect the entire length of the filler hose for nicks, cuts, bubbles (blisters) under the surface of the outer
plastic layer. Pay particular attention to the area at the metal crimping ferrules at each end as this is where
hoses tend to fail first. Replace the hose if any defects are seen.
8.4.1 Open the service parts kit # 345-1003.
8.4.2 Lubricate the threads lightly and install the new valve plug assembly into the body. Use the stem (13)
to turn the valve plug assembly until it reaches the bottom of the threads.