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AF6ZP0AL - COMBIAC0 & ACE0 - User Manual
This section of the manual describes the basic connection procedure.
To move, the truck needs a minimum I/O outfit that it is mandatory: this minimum
outfit is listed in the Steps from 1 to 8 below.
Connect a potentiometer in the range 0.5 to 10Kohms, to modify the
wished speed b12 (CNA#25) and GND (CNA#5). The
potentiometer wiper is connected to CPOTTR (CAN#15).
Connect two travel demand switches. The FWD travel demand must
be connected between a battery (key) voltage and CNA#32. The
REV travel demand must be connected between a battery (key)
voltage and CNA#31. Only one of them can be active at the same
time. They become active when connected to a key.
Connect a tiller (or seat) switch enabling/disabling the truck motion
between CNA#1 and a key voltage. It becomes active, enabling the
motion, when closed to a key voltage.
Connect the encoder in the motor shaft between CNA#25=VDD,
CNA#5=GND, CNA#14=CHA, CNA#13=CHB. The VDD voltage
may be 12V or 5V depending on a jumper inside the controller.
Connect the plus battery voltage through a key switch at the KEY
input CNA#10. This is the input for the controller supply.
Connect the Main Contactor Coil to CNA#10 and CNA#12. The
contactor must connect the battery positive to the +BATT power
terminal of the ACE0/ COMBI AC0.
Connect the motors and the minus battery to the corresponding
power terminals of the ACE0/ COMBI AC0.
Connect the Electromechanical Brake coil between CNA#2 and
CNA#4; when the tiller switch opens, the electromechanical brake
gets de-energized braking the truck.
The Steps from 1 to 8 describe the installation operations that is mandatory to do
in order your truck moves. Obviously the ACE0/ COMBI AC0 may execute a
wider set of optional services as:
1) to handle some speed reductions requests.
2) to handle an analogue sensor inside the motor.
3) to handle a proportional braking.
4) to handle a proportional forks lowering valve.
5) to handle a pump motor by a chopper.
6) to handle a belly switch, for truck quick inversion.
7) to handle a proportional input for the forks lifting/lowering.
8) to handle a second proportional electrovalve.
9) to handle a number of on/off E-valves.
10) to handle an Horn, driving a protected driver.
You must fill your I/O outfit with your optional functions. The optional functions
are shown in the connecting drawing and described in detail inside this manual.
The index may help you.