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Operating Manual ZX20T/TP/TC
Step 1: Program Creation in EX_PRESS 5
The program for the application is shown below. In the first part of the program,
identified by "DECLARATION", all the necessary variables are declared.
Under „VAR_INPUT“ 4 digital input variables are declared for the four sensors. Here,
the variable "High" corresponds to the sensor at position 1, "Licht1" to the light
barrier at position 2, "Color" to the sensor at position 3 and "Licht2" to the light
barrier at position 4. These are assigned to specific input terminals, namely 1, 2, 3
and 4, via the command "AT".
Under „VAR_OUTPUT“ the output variables are declared. This is the control of trap
doors 1 and 2, "Door1Open" and "Door2Open". If these are active, the components
are sorted out at the respective positions.
Under „VAR“ the variables within the program are declared. These are two state
variables „Fail1“ und „Fail2“, which control the activation of the trapdoors.
Under „VAR_TIMER“ all required timers of the program are declared.
A total of 4 timers are required for these, two for each sorting step.
Abb. 16: Principle diagram of good / bad part sorting
Pos. 1
Pos. 2
Pos. 3
Pos. 4
Light barrier
Light barrier
Height control
Color sensor
Pos. 5