Zamel RTD-01 Manual Instruction Download Page 1

plik: Instrukcja RTD-01 v1.3 en | modyfikacja: 20.11.2014




Menu → Setting→ Install. 


   Heating setting: 


floor type

 (choose from the attached list), 


 (switching on the function causes the system 

heats before returning home, 

PI controller

 (switching it on causes the heating system accurately reaches the target 





. It is a first heating function. It must be activated during the first time the room floor is heated. 

The thermostat has this functionality for 21 days and then it will automatically switch off drying of the floor. This function can 
be switched off at any time.


Set offset


Its aim is to calibrate the regulator’s temperature. For the room and floor sensors the adjustment is possible within -8 to 
+8°C range.


Program period set

: The 24 hour day can be divided into 4 or 6 adjustment periods. 


Default setting of the day is 6 periods.


Set sensor 

(floor sensor adjustment). It is necessary to choose the sensor used in the floor. The regulator enables the 

application not only of a floor sensor included in the set with a regulator (SASWELL100k) but also a sensor by other 
producers. The regulator cooperates and the following sensors can be chosen: SASWELL 100k, SASWELL 10k, DEVI 15k, 
OJ12k, Eberle 33k, Ensto 47k, FENIX 10k, TYCO 10k, Teplolux 6K8, Warmup 12k, aube 10k.



. It causes the return to default settings. YES confirmation causes the return to the default settings.


In case the expected temperature is higher than the real one, an icon meaning heating will appear on the screen:

Menu → Time (

Date setting

) → Next 

(Hour setting).

Adjust date by means of arrows up / down (day/mounth/year or year/mounth/day). By means of Next (Dalej) function we pass 
to hour adjustment (hour/minute/second). The 


function helps to choose day format, mode, 12 hour or 24 hour format. 

Confirm by 



In case of power supply failure the clock resets and it is necessary to adjust date and time again.

The following massages can be displayed:
-   „ 

The floor temperature sensor short-circuit. Please check it

.” It is necessary to check if the floor sensor cable insulation 

is damaged or  the sensor wires are short circuited.

-   „

The floor tempereture sensor open circuit. Please check it

.” It is necessary to check the wire connection of the external 

sensor to the regulator. Check if the external sensor’s wire are  not broken.


„The room stemperature sensor short-circuit. Please check.”

- It is necessary to check if the sensor protruding from the 

bottom of the casing is damaged.

-   „

The room temperature sensor open circuit. Please check it

.”- It is necessary to check if the sensor protruding from the 

bottom of the casing is damaged.

The device is designed for single-phase installation and must be installed in accordance with standards valid in a particular country. The 

device should be connected according to the details included in this operating manual. Installation, connection and control should be carried 

out by a qualified electrician staff, who act in accordance with the service manual and the device functions. 

In case of casing dismantling an electric shock may occur, and the guarantee is lost then. Before installation make sure the connection cables 

are not under voltage. The cruciform head screwdriver 3,5 mm should be used to mount the device. Improper transport, storage, and use of the 

device influence its wrong functioning. It is not advisable to mount the device in the following cases: if any device part is missing or the device 

is damaged or deformed. In case of improper functioning of the device contact the producer.

page: 6


There is 24 months guarantee on the product

Salesman stamp and signature, date of sale

1. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. assures 24 months guarantee for the product.

2. The manufacturer’s guarantee does not cover any of the following actions:

  a) mechanical damage during transport, loading / unloading or under other circumstances,

  b) damage caused by incorrect product mounting or misuse,

  c) damage caused by unauthorised modifications made by the PURCHASER or any third parties to the product 

      or any other devices needed for the product functioning,

  d) damage caused by Act of God or any other incidents independent of the manufacturer - ZAMEL Sp z o.o.

  e) supply sources (batteries) included in the device during selling (if they are included).

3. The PURCHASER shall lay any claims in writing to the dealer or ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.

4. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. is liable for processing any claim according to current Polish legislation.

5. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. shall process the claim at its own discretion: product repair, replacement ormoney return.

6. The manufacturer’s guarantee is valid in the Republic of Poland.

7. The PURCHASER’s statutory rights in any applicable legislation whether against the retailer arising from the 

purchase contract or otherwise are not affected by this warranty.


Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zielona 27, 43-200 Pszczyna, Poland

Tel. +48 (32) 210 46 65, Fax +48 (32) 210 80 04, e-mail: [email protected]

plik: Instrukcja RTD-01 v1.3 en | modyfikacja: 20.11.2014




The temperature regulator RTD-01 

is  a  7-day  programmable  regulator 
designed  for  electric  floor  heating 
systems. It is operated by means of  
a touch screen.

The regulator  is mounted on a wall 

in  a  junction  box  ¢60  x  60  mm.  It  is 
compatible  with    floor  sensors:  SAS-
WELL  100k,  SASWELL    10k,    DEVI  
15k,  OJ12k, Eberle  33k,  Ensto  47k,  
FENIX    10k,  TYCO  10k  Teplolux  6k, 
Warmup 12k, Aube 10k.

Supply terminals: 

N (1), L (2)

Power supply voltage: 

100÷240 V AC

Nominal frequency: 

50/60 Hz

Nominal power consumption:  

1,5 W  (STANDBY)

Battery backup: 


NTC sensor terminal: 

(6), (7)

Temperature sensor: 

NTC 10k lub 100k dla 25°C 

Room temperature range:  

+5 ÷ +35°C

Floor temperature range: 

+5 ÷ +40°C

Operating temperature range: 

0 ÷ +50°C

Temperature range during transport : 

-10 ÷ +60°C

Temperature measuring accuracy:  


Output terminals:  

(3), (4)

Type of output: 

voltage contact 1NO-16 A / 250 V AC

Number of connecting cables: 


Cross section of connecting cables: 

0,5 ÷ 2,5 mm



<90%, without condensation


deeper junction box ¢ 60 mm x 60 mm

Casing material: 

engineering plastic, PC

Casing protection degree: 


Protection class: 


Overvoltage category: 


Nominal surge voltage:  

2500 V

Pollution level of a regulator:  

3 A level

Application environment:  

2 pollution degree (domestic application 


with standard air circulation)

Ball pressure temperature:  



81,5 x 81,5 x 21/41 mm 

( height x width x depth )


130 g

Reference standard:  

PN-EN 60730-1:2012 


PN-EN 60730-2-9:2011


PN-EN 55014-1


PN-EN 55014-2


PN-EN 61000-3-2


PN-EN 61000-4-3


PN-EN 61000-4-11


PN-EN 61000-4-6

•  2,4”  LCD  display  of  320x240  pxl 


•  Adjustment by means of a touch 


•  Energy monitoring function
•  Anti frost protection function
•  Menu  includes  11  languages:  En-

glish, French, German, Dutch, Rus-
sian,  Polish,  Norwegian,  Swedish, 
Danish, Finnish, Romanian.

•  Cooperation with NTC sensor of dif-

ferent manufacturers

•  Blockades against children
•  Holiday mode (holiday)

Temperature Regulator RTD-01 


page: 1


 Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zielona 27, 43-200 Pszczyna, Poland

tel. +48 32 449 15 00, +48 32 210 46 65, fax +48 (32) 210 80 04

, e-mail: [email protected]

plik: Instrukcja RTD-01 v1.3 | mody kacja: 05.04.2016


plik: Instrukcja RTD-01 v1.3 | mody kacja: 05.04.2016

