Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Update Via SD Card
The Z3-DME-10 supports updating of firmware through an SD card. You will need an update file
provided by Z3 Technology. You can find the software originally loaded on your encoder on the USB
drive provided with your system.
Locate your desired UPD-z3-dme-vx.xx.xx.img update file from Z3 and copy it an SD card.
The SD Card needs to be formatted to FAT or FAT32 depending on the card’s default. See additional
software update instructions provided with your system for more information.
Once the copy is complete, eject the SD card from your PC.
Verify the Z3-DME-10 is currently powered off and has an Ethernet cable connected to a DHCP
network plugged into the back panel.
Insert the SD card with your update .img file in the slot on the front panel.
Power on the system and wait a few minutes for the new software to be detected and the
system to update.
While the unit is updating, the status LED’s on the front panel will be red. Once the update is
complete, the status LED’s will turn green. It is then safe to remove the SD card.
Remove the SD card prior to restarting the system. Anytime an SD card with a software image is
detected, a system update will occur.
Your encoder is now updated.
HTTPS Support
The DME-10 has HTTPS support, to create a self signed certificate use the following command
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key -x509 -days 365 -out domain.crt
On the
System Setup
tab Click on
Figure 41 Insert SD Card for Firmware Update
Insert SD Card
with Update
.img file