Z3 Technology, LLC ♦ 100 N 8
ST, STE 250 ♦ Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 U.S.A. ♦ +1.402.323.0702
1): Check IP address and Netmask. Ping PC from Z3-DM8169-VI-RPS and ping Z3-DM8169-VI-RPS
from PC. Use direct connection from Z3-DM8169-VI-RPS system to PC without router/customer
network. Once video connection is established, then add in customer specific network equipment.
2): Check to make sure firewalls are turned off
3): Check video source. Verify video source is outputting compatible analog video
4): Verify PC is fast enough and has enough DDR to decode compressed video
5): Verify VLC version is 1.1x or later
No SDP file?
1): Please check your Z3 server account