Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS RDK V2.00.04a
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
Problem: Web interface does not come up
-Is the Ethernet cable plugged in to the Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS solidly (do you see the link light)?
-Does the Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS IP address and the PC IP address have the same first 2 values (or, if
netmask is set to, the same first 3 values)?
-Do the Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS and the PC running VLC have the same netmask? (Default value is
-You can check the netmask of the PC by typing ifconfig in Linux.
-Are all firewalls on the network turned off?
-Try connecting the PC directly to the board without any routers etc.
-Can the Linux PC and target board see each other on the network?
-Try pinging the Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS IP address from the Linux PC.
-Try pinging the Linux PC from the Z3-DM816X-VI-RPS.
Problem: Do not see video in VLC (UDP)
-Does the IP address set in “Dest Address” equal the IP address of the PC running VLC?
-Does the port number in “Dest Port” equal the value entered in the URL for VLC?
-Does the video coming out of the source match the resolution in the encoder settings?
-Is the PC fast enough for 1080p decode on VLC?
-Does the PC have enough DDR to handle 1080p decode on VLC?
-Is VLC version 1.1x or later?
Problem: Do not see video in VLC (RTP)
-Is “Dest Port” set to 5004?
Problem: Get an error message while building
-Were all modules for Linux installed? (See 3.1 Preparing the Linux Environment, on page 9).
Problem: TFTP does not work
-(Please see the items in “Web interface does not come up”)
-Does the file “uImage” exist in z3-netra-rdk/images?
-Is the link to images properly set up (see step (3) on page 27)?
-If you take serverargs in
and combine that with tftp_root in u-boot, does it point
to the images directory?
-Did you start the TFTP server?
-Is there another PC on the network conflicting with the IP address of the TFTP server?