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Supported Association Groups
Group ID: 1 – Lifeline
Maximum number of devices that can be added to the group
: 10
All devices are associated with the lifeline group (group id 1) at the inclusion and
no action is performed for the user at that time.
Basic command handling
This equipment can control a device which supports Basic Command class by
sending BASIC OFF[0x00] and ON[0xFF] from the GUI.
This equipment can receive Basic Command from a device, but it does nothing
and just returns ack.
This equipment can be a part of the same Z-Wave network with any products from
different manufacturers and product categories, and that the different non-battery
powered nodes can act as repeaters regardless of manufacturers.
This equipment is a security enabled Z-Wave Plus product that is able to use
encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages to communicate to other security enabled Z-
Wave Plus products.