ST950S Plus+ Installation and Commissioning Manual
Figure 74. Licence Manager with External Reader Fitted
The Currently Installed Licences table shows the licences currently installed in the controller (contained
in the Licence Smart Card fitted to the controller CPU Card). The example above shows that the
controller currently has two licences installed: Remote Access and a combined OTU & MOVA licence.
Each installed licence has an associated 'Uninstall' button which can be used to transfer the licence
from the controller to the Licence Smart Card in the external USB Smart Card reader. Pressing this
button results in the licence being removed from the Currently Installed Licences table and added to the
Plug-in Card Reader table and the facility becoming unlicensed.
The Plug-In Card Reader table shows the licences contained in the Licence Smart Card fitted in the
external USB Smart Card Reader. This Licence Smart Card holds a number of licences. Any of these
can be transferred to the controller by pressing the Install button associated with the licence. As the
controller already has a Remote Access licence fitted, transferring this licence to the controller would
not enable any additional facilities (it would just end up with two of the same licence). Transferring a
LwTunnel licence to the controller would activate the lightweight tunnel facility.
When a licence is installed, it is removed from the list of licences held on the Licence Smart Card in the
external USB Smart Card reader and added to the list of currently installed licences. Once a licence
has been installed, the associated facility can be operated without restriction.
6.9.8. Network Connection
The configuration required depends upon the network in which the controller resides. Two
straightforward cases are described below each corresponding to the controller being connected to a
single system: Stratos (section
Connection to Systems Other than Stratos
). Where the controller is to be
connected to more than one system, the network will have to be designed and the controller configured
accordingly using a combination of the two methods as appropriate.
6.9.9. Connection to Stratos Network Configuration for STRATOS
In order to connect to Stratos, the following internet services must be accessible to the equipment:
DHCP (UDP 67 & 68)
DNS (UDP 53)
NTP (UDP 123)
(TLS trusted time)
HTTP or HTTPS (TCP 80 or 443)
OCSP authenticator for stratosemerge HTTPS certificate (OCSP)
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