Breeze may drift or fail to position when it flies
indoors because the performance of the Indoor
Positioning System can be affected by light intensity
and ground texture. You should not operate Breeze
in the following situations:
1. Flying over particularly sparse surfaces or surfaces
without clear patterns/textures;
2. Flying over highly reflective surfaces or surfaces
with reflections;
3. Flying over water or waterlogged surfaces;
4. Flying over moving surfaces or objects (such as
above large crowds or strong wind blowing over
grass or shrubs);
5. Flying in an area where the lighting changes
frequently or drastically;
6. Flying over extremely dark or bright surfaces;
7. Flying over surfaces with identical repeating patterns
or textures (e.g. tiles with the same design
carpet with
the repeating patterns);
8. Flying rapidly at an altitude of less than 0.3 meters
off ground, the Indoor Positioning System may fail to
help Breeze recover to hovering;
9. Install the propeller protectors when you operate
Breeze indoors;
10. Disable GPS and use Pilot mode with Indoor
Positioning System when you fly Breeze in an
outdoor area with poor GPS signal like in-between
two tall buildings for better results ;
11. Replace the altered/damaged propellers in time;
12. Keep the infrared lens, optical flow lens and
camera lens clean;
13. Use the emergency button with great caution.
Switching off the motors mid-flight may result in an
uncontrolled descent and might possibly lead to
damage to your Breeze and its surroundings.
Tap [ ] and select [ ], You will find FLIGHT
LOG icon on the right corner of the “Support”
interface. The Flight Log is designed to record your
total flights, including flight time, flight date and
flight location. You may email the flight log info to
Yuneec Customer Support when needed.