Panda Multi-Function Mini Rice Cooker by Yum Asia
For cakes, you can make things easier by using a ready-made cake mix and adding your favourite ingredients, they still
turn out perfectly. If you want to make your own cake batter, be sure to follow the guidance on maximum ingredients.
2.5 tablespoons of sunflower or coconut oil
100g dark (at least 70% cocoa) chocolate
85g of self-raising flour (or plain flour with 1 level teaspoon of baking powder)
1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder
90g golden caster sugar
115ml soya milk (or any other milk)
a pinch of salt, less than 1/8 tsp
1. Grease the inner bowl with a little sunflower oil
1. Break 75g of the chocolate and melt – either in a heatproof bowl over a pan of water or by a quick blast in the
microwave. Leave to cool a little
2. Sieve flour and cocoa powder into a large bowl and add the sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir in the oil, soya milk and
melted chocolate until combined – it really doesn’t take much to combine the ingredients.
3. Roughly chop the remaining 50g of chocolate and stir into the mixture
4. Pour into Panda's inner bowl, smoothing the top a little with a spoon. Pat the bottom of the inner bowl on a flat
palm, just to settle the mixture.
5. Bake for 30 minutes. Check after 30 minutes with a it should come out with some mixture stuck to it (in the
middle). The top will still be quite soft, don’t worry about this, the brownie keeps on cooking while it cools, you don't
want to overcook it!
6. Leave to cool in the inner bowl and once cooled completely, tip out and cut into pieces
Serve with whipped cream, ice cream, caramel sauce or just eat by itself for a yummy afternoon treat with a cup of
As you can see from the ingredients, this is a vegan/dairy free recipe, so the maximum weight restrictions on cake
doesn’t apply to this recipe as there isn’t any eggs to cook. It’s a delicious brownie and you’d never guess it was