Annex: Anti-freeze solution and its application guide
Currently, water is widely adopted as the cold-medium of the water-cooled engine,
including hard water and soft water. River water, well water, spring...etc. enrich water
with the mineral material as hard water, being subjected to hot empress the mineral
quality sink wall to become water dirt in water set with spread the hot machine, dying
down diesel engine to spread thermal energy dint, the serious hour will appear an urn of
set and live cold wreath to chafe, the piston choked to death. But the water tank knot
dirt hereafter will cause the water temperature go up and open a pot.
Therefore must use the soft water as the anti-freeze. The in common solu
tion of transferring the hard water into soft water is to boil hard water to r
emoves sediments. The more exhaustive method is to add to soften in the hard
water, such as adding 0.5 baking sodas of
lg(pure alkali) or the O.5
g hydrogen to oxidize (caustic soda).
There is much weakness using the water as the anti-freeze.1)it is easy to be
come water dirt.2) the freezing point of water is an O
, it is easy to freez
e a jelly crack an air cylinder body and spread a hot machine easily in winter.
3)The boiling point of water is 100
, because the machine widespread adopt
technique of turbo-charger, the normal water temperature is 105
s for 9
s, will usually appear to open a pot in summer.4)The cooling system is se
wn a medium soldering by six kinds of metals iron castings, aluminums, steels, r
ed coppers, brasses and the water tank to constitute, water, imply water of mis
cellaneous quality especially, as to it's have a corrosion function, appear rusty wi
th cave eclipse phenomenon.
As having been overcome many disadvantages of the water-coolant, the anti-freeze
solution becomes the ideal coolant which can be used in each season of the year.
1. What is anti-freeze solution?
Anti-freeze solution is a coolant used in winter to prevent frostbite. It has a long history.
At the first, people added the inorganic salts into the water to lower the freezing point or
raise the boiling point; then the organic alcohols (such as ethanol, methanol, etc) were
added further. And in the recent years, the anti-freeze solution has developed to become
the glycol and glycerol based anti-freeze solutions. But for the price reason, the