Water Action Volunteers – Level 2 Manual
Updated January 2016
5. On this screen, you will be able to view all of the monitoring data that you recently
updated or helped to collect (you were listed as a Data Collector)
6. Click the
magnifying glass
to view previously entered data or click on the
edit previously entered monitoring data.
7. Once you’ve edited your entries on the ‘Edit Monitoring Data’ screen (station, data
collectors, start date/time or end date/time, comments), click
Save and Return
to save
your changes and view other fieldwork event.
8. To edit previously entered monitoring data (streamflow, weather, biotic index, etc), you
will need to select the correct data entry form before moving to the next screen.
**When you enter the data initially, all of the forms are linked, but when editing they
are separated so you have to select them one at a time.
a. Qualit Fish Habitat Less than 10 M – separate habitat form (Step 27)
b. Qualit Fish Habitat More than 10 M – separate habitat form (Step 30)
c. WAV Stream Monitoring 2015 –
boxes on the front page of the
monitoring datasheet (Step 16)