Reset total rain, which will auto reset daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, rate,
and event rain.
For example:
Daily rainfall reset time is 8:00
Month rainfall reset time is MON
Yearly rainfall reset time is MAY.
the daily rainfall will be reset to 0 at 8:00 every day,
the weekly rainfall will be reset to 0 at 8:00 every Monday,
the monthly rainfall will be reset to 0 at 8:00 on the 1st each month,
the yearly rainfall will be reset to 0 at 8:00 on May 1st every year.
Rain rate: the last 10 minutes rainfall multiplication 6.
Rain event: if the last 24 hour rainfall is less than 1 mm, and the last 1 hour
not rainfall, the rain event is over.
Total: running total since the station was powered up.
6.5.2 Resetting Rain
Display the increment of rain you wish to clear, as shown in Section 6.5.1.
To reset the rain totals, press and hold the RAIN button for two seconds.
Resetting the weekly rain also resets the daily rain.
Resetting the monthly rain also resets the daily and weekly rain.
Resetting the total rain also resets the monthly, weekly and daily rain.