• Near construction site
• Inside concrete buildings
• Near electrical appliances (computers, TVs, etc.)
• Inside moving vehicles
• Near metallic structures
Place the station at a location with optimal signal, i.e. close to a window and away
from metal surfaces or electrical appliances. Keep in mind that the outdoor
transmitter only has the optimal transmission range in open area with no
obstructions. Each obstruction between the transmitter and the station (roofs,
walls, floors, ceilings, densely wooded areas, etc.) will effectively cut the
transmission range in half. Protection and care of this item
• Do not expose the unit to extreme temperature, water or direct sunlight.
• Avoid contact with any corrosive materials.
• Do not subject the unit to excessive force, dust or humidity.
• Do not open the inner back case or tamper with any components of this unit.
Declaration of Conformity:
Youshiko Ltd hereby declares that the product fully complied to applicable
guidelines and corresponding standards and requirements of UKCA and other
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
• Electrical and electronic waste contains hazardous substances. Disposal of
electronic waste in open countryside and/or in other unauthorized places greatly
damages the environment.
• Please contact your local and/or regional authorities to find the addresses of
legal dumping grounds with appropriate facilities.
• All electronic instruments must now be recycled. Users shall take an active part
in the re-use, recycling and recovery of electrical and electronic waste.
• The unrestricted disposal of electronic waste may do harm to public health and
the quality of environment.
• Reading the “User Manual” is highly recommended for the benefit of the user.
This product must not be disposed of in general rubbish collection facilities.
• The manufacturer or supplier cannot accept any responsibility for any incorrect
readings and any consequences that occur should an inaccurate reading take