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FORM 201.30-CL2 

ISSUE DATE: 9/30/2012

liquid control Setpoint

Program the chilled and condenser liquid (optional heat 

pump) setpoints and ranges, then record them below:

1.  Leaving Chilled Liquid 


Temp Setpoint = ______________________°F (°C)

2.  Leaving Chilled Liquid 


Temp Control Range = _________________°F (°C)

3.  Maximum Leaving Chilled Liquid 


Remote Temp Reset = _________________°F (°C)

4.  Leaving Condenser Liquid 


Temp Setpoint


______________________°F (°C)

5.  Leaving Condenser Liquid 


Temp Control Range = _________________°F (°C)

6.  Maximum Leaving Condenser Liquid  

Remote Temp Reset = _________________°F (°C)

Date/Time and Daily Schedule

1.  Program the date and time by making sure that 

the CLK Jumper JP2 on the control board is in 
the ON position. Press the DATE/TIME key to 
set the date and time.  ........................................

2.  Program the daily and holiday start/stop by 

pressing the SCHEDULE key. ............................

c. chilleR SYSTeM

After  completion  of  the  following 

checks for System 1, switch off the Sys-

tem 1 switch on the keypad and repeat 

the process for System 2. When both 

systems are running correctly, stop the 

unit, switch all applicable switches ON, 

and restart the unit. 

1.  Ensure power is on the chiller to energize the 

compressor heaters 24 hours prior to start-up.  ..

2.  Ensure the SYSTEM SWITCHES key is OFF for 

both systems.  .....................................................

3.  Turn the unit switch to the ON position.  .............
4.  If the chilled and condenser liquid pumps are 

manually operated, start the pumps. The con-
trol center will not allow the chiller to start un-
less flow is established through the unit. If the 
pumps are wired to the control center, over-
ride the contact to start the pumps to verify the  
flow.  ....................................................................

5.  Throttle back flow to make sure the flow switch 

opens with a loss of flow. If the pump is turned 
off during chiller operation, it is recommended 
that auxiliary pump contacts be placed in series 
with the flow switch for additional protection. ......

(continued on following page)

7.  Record the overload settings below: 

System 1: __________________________Amps
System 2: _________________________ Amps

Setting the potentiometers  incorrectly 

may cause damage to the equipment.

8.  Press the STATUS key. If the following UNIT 

WARNING message appears, immediately 

contact Johnson Controls Product Technical 

Support to request the password to reprogram 

the serial number, and any other important fac-

tory programmed information that was lost. . ......

  eNTeR  UNiT  SeRiAl  NUMBeR

Programmed Options

Program the required options in the control panel for the 

desired operating requirements, then record the values 

below. Refer to the 


PROGRAM key in



ERATION in Form 201.30-ICOM2


for more information: 

1.  Display Language = ________________________
2.  Chilled Liquid Mode = _______________________
3.  Local/Remote Mode = _______________________
4.  Display Units = ____________________________
5.  Lead/Lag Control = _________________________
6.  Remote Temp Reset = ______________________
7.  Remote Current Reset =_____________________
8.  Compressor Selection = _____________________
9.  Operating Mode (Heat Pump) = _______________

Programmed Operating Values

Program the required operating values into the micropro-

cessor. then record them below. Refer to the










low and high limits, and default values.

1.  Chilled Liquid Leaving Tempera-

ture Cutout =__________________°F (°C)

2.  Motor Current Limit = __________________% FLA
3.  Pulldown Motor Current Limit = __________% FLA
4.  Pulldown Motor Current Limit Time =________MIN
5.  Motor Temp Unload = _________________°F (°C)
6.  Unit ID Number = __________________________
7.  Sys 1 Condenser Liquid Ref Level = ____________
8.  Sys 2 Condenser Liquid Ref Level = ____________
