starting Your workout
AlwAys consult your doctor before undertAKing A new eXercise regime. if you eXperience nAuseA, diZZiness or other
AbnormAl symptoms during eXercise, stop At once And consult your doctor.
Begin each workout with a warm up session - a few minutes of stretching to help prevent strains, pulls and cramps:
Get onto the treadmill, using the handrails for support, and place your feet on the side rails. (Either side of the running
Activate the treadmill. (Using the details found in the Operation Instructions)
The treadmill will start at the lowest speed, step onto the mat and walk at the same speed.
Continue the rest of your workout.
finishing Your workout
Turn the treadmill to the lowest speed and incline settings.
Using the handrails for support place your feet on the side rails. (Either side of the running mat)
Stop the treadmill.
Turn the treadmill off at the main power switch and remove the plug from the electrical outlet.
Remove the safety key.
If necessary, wipe the treadmill down with a damp cloth.
End each workout with a cool down session - a few minutes of stretching to help prevent strains, pulls and cramps.
correct running form
Run in the centre of the running mat.
Keep your head up and look straight ahead.
Shoulders should be square and level, don’t round your shoulder or swing them forwards or backwards.
Keep your torso straight with the chest up so there’s plenty of room for the diaphragm to move for proper breathing
Do not lean forwards, backwards or slouch, as all of these posture deviations can place a lot of stress on the lower
back, interfering with proper running mechanics and possibly causing lower back injury.
Feet should be pointed straight ahead and land directly under the hips.
how long shoulD i exercise for?
That really depends on your current level of fitness. If you’re just starting out on a new exercise program, you should start
gradually and build up - do not try to do too much too quickly. 30 minutes, 3 times a week should be enough. Don’t push
yourself too hard - you should never feel exhausted during or following exercise.