How Long Should I Exercise For?
Don’t push yourself too hard - you should never feel exhausted during or following exercise.
Heart Rate Training
Good health - For those wishing to improve quality of life and general well being. Your sessions
will need to be done at an intensity of between 50 - 60% of your es�mated maximum heart
rate, should last about 30 minutes and can be done on most days of the week.
220 - 35 = 185 beats per minute (bpm)
Next, to calculate your target heart rate, simply mul�ply your es�mated maximum heart rate
(185bpm) by the applicable percentage. So, if your goal is be�er health:
185 x 60% = 111bpm
NOTE: The important issue to remember with all es�mated calcula�ons is that they are just
es�mates - if you don’t feel comfortable exercising at your target then reduce it to a level you
are comfortable with.
Heart rate training requires you to monitor your heart rate throughout the workout. For this we
recommend using a chest strap (if your machine has a wireless receiver) or a heart rate monitor.
For more informa�on please get in touch using the Contact Us details.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking a new exercise regime. If you experience
nausea, dizziness or other abnormal symptoms during exercise, stop at once and consult your
That really depends on your current level of fitness. If you’re just star�ng out on a new exercise
program, you should start gradually and build up - do not try to do too much too quickly. 30
minutes, 3 �mes a week should be enough.
To get the most out of your new piece of fitness equipment and se e the best results from your
training you should exercise at the right level of effort, and that means listening to your heart!
Working out to a target heart rate means you can direct your workout to achieve different goals:
Weight loss - To see a significant reduc�on in body fat, your sessions must be a li�le more
intense - between 60 and 70% of your es�mated maximum heart rate. These sessions can also
be performed on most days of the week for up to 30 minutes.
Improving fitness levels - These sessions should be performed at 70 - 80% of your es�mated
maximum heart rate and can also involve bouts of interval training that would have your heart
rate peaking for short �mes near your maximum heart rate level. These are intense sessions
and will require at least a 48 hour rest between sessions.
Calcula�ng Your Target Heart Rate
First, you need to find your es�mated maximum heart rate using the formula “220 minus your
age in years”. So, if you are 35 years old your es�mated maximum heart rate is: