(27) SLOW ERR NO.:
The number of pulses in excess of the preset number of pulses. Consequently, a slow error will
The number of pulses preset as compensation pulses, which will be performed after the display
torque exceeds the cut torque, and the motor will be automat ically stopped.
The number of tightening points of a single work with the group management function used.
(30) PASS:
The forced completion of work.
(31) RESET:
A function to cancel the output of each relay and initialize the remaining bolt number.
(32) SLOW2:
A tightening state where the number of pulses in excess of the number of SLOW ER pulses
though the range of torque tightening is okay.
A function to specify the time to keep relay pulse output signal on.
Tightening data per one bolt.
(35) AD Val:
A mode in which a torque signal applied to the main shaft is displayed.
(36) A USB connector:
A USB thumb drive (USB flash storage) is connected to save tightening data and the set value. A
USB thumb drive formatted by the FAT32 form with the capacity 8GB or less can be used. There is
a possibility that the USB thumb drive cannot be used according to the usage condition of the USB
memory or a type of the USB thumb drive. Moreover, as the data to be saved is going to saved
under the same file name, please make sure to copy or save the existing file written in the USB
thumb drive to another media. The USB thumb drive formatted by the NTFS or other form must
be reformatted by the FAT32 form using a PC. In that case, all the data previously sav ed will be
deleted. Therefore, please make sure to format the USB thumb drive after making a backup of
the data to another media.
If USB memory is provided with special function such as write-protect, its operation may be limited
or it cannot be used.