IM 11Y01B02-01E-A 3rd Edition June 19, 2012-00
To select the Spectrum capture, stay in Advanced Menu user
mode and the Data sub section – select Spectrum Capture
To store spectrum automatically, select Auto. If you do not wish
to store any spectrum file during normal analyzer operation, then
select Manual mode.
Determine the rate at which you would like the analyzer to capture
spectrum files and under what condition. The default condition is
related to the number of measurement however, the user can select
Relative or Absolute changes pending the site specific conditions/
The more frequently spectrum are stored then the larger the
MMDDYY.spe files will become.
NOTE: Capturing every spectrum for one day can create a
single day file in excess of 30MB. This will reduce the number
of daily results that are stored in the analyzer – Choose the
parameters carefully!