IM 11Y01B02-01E-A 3rd Edition June 19, 2012-00
PATH LENGTH – Factory set, do not adjust. Typical
40” (distance the laser beam is exposed to the process
PRESSURE – allows adjustment of the gas pressure
value if using fixed pressure. If the analyzer is using
active pressure compensation, no changes are allowed.
Active pressure compensation settings are found in
Advanced Menu.
TEMPERATURE – allows adjustment of the gas
pressure value if using fixed pressure. If the analyzer
is using active temperature compensation, no changes
are allowed. Active temperature compensation settings
are found in Advanced Menu.
IP ADDRESS – displays the analyzer IP address
SERIAL NO. – displays analyzer serial number
VERSION – software version number
The spectra screen (raw detect or absorption) allow
capture and view of current spectra.
The screen auto scales the vertical axis, which will
result in a visually noisy absorption spectrum when at
low gas levels. In fact the spectra may not be noisy,
but simply that the display range is extremely low.
he BASIC DATA MENU allows the user to select:
ALARM HISTORY – displays the last 50 alarms and
faults with brief description, date and time
CALIBRATION HISTORY - displays the last 50
calibration events with adjustment amount, date and
RECORD RESULT DATA – The default setting during
normal operation is “User Data”. The system should
only be switched to “Factory Data” when advised by
Yokogawa Laser Analysis Division. Note: recording
Factory Data is only for specific diagnostic purposes
and should not be selected under normal operation.