IM 04L51B01-02EN
Web Application
You can open the Web application simply by starting a Web browser (IE11), and specifying
the GX/GP IP address. You do not have to install any software. You can do the following on
the Web application.
• Operate the GX/GP
• Monitor data
• Changing setting parameters
For details on configuring the environment settings to connect the GX/GP to an Ethernet
network and how to use the software, see the User’s Manual (IM 04L51B01-01EN).
Starting the Web Application
Start the Web browser.
In the Address box, enter “http://” followed by the GX/GP IP address.
If DNS is available, you can specify the host name in place of the IP address.
Example: When the IP address is “,” enter
in the Address box.
The Web application starts, and the screen appears.
Operation complete
Closing the Web Application
When close the Web browser, the Web application also closes.
Power Specialties, Inc. | www.powerspecialties.com | (816) 353-6550