IM 01F06F00-01EN
17) K_FACTOR_UNIT (Relative Index 67)
Selects the unit of the K factor.
Setting range: 1 (=p/L)
Default: 1 (=p/L).
18) K_FACTOR (Relative Index 68)
Sets the K factor of the combined detector at
Setting range: 0.00001 to 32000
Unit: As selected in K_FACTOR_UNIT
Default: 68.6
19) LOW_CUT_FLOW (Relative Index 69)
Sets the low cutoff flow rate level.
Setting range: Minimum flow rate × 0.5 to
Unit: As selected in PRIMARY_VALUE_
RANGE.Units Index
Default: Minimum gas flow rate for the size of
25 mm (1 in.)
20) UPPER_DISPLAY_MODE (Relative Index 70)
Selects the data to be displayed on the upper
row of the LCD indicator, as follows:
1 = Flow Rate (%): Instantaneous flow rate
as a percentage
2 = Flow Rate: Instantaneous flow rate in
the specified unit
3 = Temperature (%): Temperature as a
percentage (can only be selected for a
model with the option /MV)
4 = Arithmetic Out: Output of AR block
21) LOWER_DISPLAY_MODE (Relative Index 71)
Selects the data to be displayed on the upper
row of the LCD indicator, as follows:
1 = Blank
2 = Total: Totalized flow rate
3 = Temperature: Temperature (can only be
selected for a model with the MV option)
4 = Integrator Out: Output of IT block
22) DISPLAY_CYCLE (Relative Index 72)
Sets the display refresh cycle of the LCD
indicator, as a multiple of 500 milliseconds.
Setting range: 1 to 10 (= 500 ms to 5 s)
Default: 1 (= 500 ms)
6.3 AI Function Block Parameters
Parameters of the three AI function blocks can be
read and written from the host.
AI1: Flow rate, AI2: Temperature, AI3: Volumetric
flow rate for the use of mass flow rate calculation
at AR function block. For each block parameter
in digitalYEWFLO, read APPENDIX 1 “LIST
digitalYEWFLO.” The following describes important
parameters and how to set them.
Indicates the three types of function block
modes; Out_Of_Service, Manual, and Auto.
In Out_Of_Service mode, the AI block does
not operate. The Manual mode does not allow
values to be updated. The Auto mode causes the
measured value to be updated. Under normal
circumstances, set the Auto mode to take effect.
The Auto mode is the factory default.
This is the parameter of the transducer block to
be input to the AI block. AI1 block is assigned
flow rate. AI2 block is assigned temperature.
AI3 block is assigned volumetric flow rate for AR
This setting can not be changed.
Scale of input from the transducer block. The
maximum flow rate range in the registered
sizing data is setting. “0” (0%), “10.000” (100%),
and “m
/h” for the unit are factory-set in case
of UNCALIBRATION order. Changing the unit
(can be set only in flow rate) also causes the unit
within the transducer block to be automatically
changed. (The unit is automatically changed
according to the unit selected by AI1, AI2.) Units
which can be set by XD_SCALE are shown in
Table 6.2.
The setting range of the 100% scale (XD_
SCALE.EU at 100) depends on the unit setting
(XD_SCALE.Units Index) as shown in Table 6.3.