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TI 04L01A01-02E
Display data file only
Measurement channel: 2 channels, computation channel: none
Display data
From equation
, we obtain 1.2 Mbytes/(2
4 bytes
8 bytes) = 150,000 data points.
However, because the maximum number of data points that can be recorded is 100,000 data points,
Maximum number of data points = 100,000 data points
When the waveform span rate is 30min/div (data storage interval of 60 s)
Sampling period = 100,000 data points
60 s = 6,000,000 s (approx. 69 days)
Measurement channel: 12 channels, computation channel: 6 channels
Display data
Maximum number of data points = 1.2 Mbytes/(12
4 bytes
8 bytes) = 12,500 data points
When the waveform span rate is 30min/div (data storage interval of 60 s)
Sampling period = 12,500 data points
60 s = 750,000 s (approx. 8 days)
Event file only
Measurement channel: 4 channels, computation channel: none
From equation
, we obtain 1.2 Mbytes/(4
2 bytes
4 bytes) = 150,000 data points.
However, because the maximum number of data points that can be recorded is 120,000 data points,
Maximum number of data points = 120,000 data points
When event file sampling interval is 1 s
Sampling period = 120,000 data points
1 s = 120,000 s (approx. 33 hours)
Measurement channel: 12 channels, computation channel: 6 channels
Maximum number of data points = 1.2 Mbytes/(12
2 bytes
4 bytes) = 25,000 data points
When the event file sampling interval of 1 s
Sampling period = 25,000
1 s = 25,000 s (approx. 7 hours)
Display data file
Event file
Measurement channel: 2 channels, computation channel: none
Display data
From equation
, we obtain 900 Kbytes/(2
4 bytes
8 bytes) = 112,500 data points.
However, because the maximum number of data points that can be recorded is 75,000 data points,
Maximum number of data points = 75,000 data points
When the waveform span rate is 30min/div (data storage interval of 60 s)
Display data file sampling period = 75,000 data points
60 s = 4,500,000s (approx. 52 days)
From equation
, we obtain 300 Kbytes/(2
2 bytes
4 bytes) = 75,000 data points.
However, because the maximum number of data points that can be recorded is 30,000 data points,
Maximum number of data points = 30,000 data points
When the event file sampling interval is 1 s
Event file sampling period = 30,000 data points
1 s = 30,000 s (approx. 8 hours)
Measurement channel: 12 channels, computation channel: 6 channels
Display data
Maximum number of data points = 900 Kbytes/(12
4 bytes
8 bytes) = 9,375 data points
When the waveform span rate is 30min/div (data storage interval of 60 s)
Display data file sampling period = 9,375 data points
60 s = 562,500 s (approx. 6.5 days)
Maximum number of data points = 300 Kbytes/(12
2 bytes
4 bytes) = 6,250 data points
When the event file sampling interval is 1 s
Event file sampling period = 6,250
1 s = 6,250 s (approx. 1.7 hours)