Spectral Comparison
A Spectral Comparison is a quantitative comparison between two frequency spectra. It is
generated by subtracting the values of one spectrum (Test View) from the values of the
second spectrum (Reference View) at each frequency. The Compare Spectral node allows
you to observe and compare two Spectral Scans with the same resolution bandwidth within
their common overlapping range even though they may have different frequency ranges e.g.:
Spectral 1: 10 MHz - 80 MHz and Spectral 2: 30 MHz - 120 MHz. A common use for this is
to compare the spectral of a production device with the prototype device. This
is especially important for conformance testing, where a prototype has received EMC
approval and you want to compare production units to it. You would link the prototype
spectrum to the reference node and compare the spectra from various production units