If there is a connection problem between the spectrum analyzer and the PC, an error
message will be displayed as shown below.
Setup and Modes of Operation
EMScanner is a very-near-field scanning system. It is composed of 1,218 H-field probes that
operate between 150 kHz and 8 GHz. Probes are wideband but not very sensitive across
this band thus they are very good at rejecting background noise.
EMScanner does not require a special setup like a shielded room; the Device Under Test
(DUT) may sometimes however pick up strong ambient signals like those present in the cell
band (850 MHz -2100 MHz) or radio FM band.
It is strongly suggested to measure the ambient noise in the test environment before running
any scans with EMScanner. First power off the DUT, start the EMScanner software and then
setup a Spectral Scan for the bandwidth of interest. Run the Spectral Scan and analyze the
test results. If there is any ambient noise being displayed the EMScanner comparison
features will allow you to filter it from the actual DUT test results.
Modes of Operation
1. PCB testing (smaller than the scan area)
Place the PCB directly anywhere on the grid of the scanner. If there are tall components that
prevent the PCB from touching the surface of the scanner, use of an LNA is strongly
suggested. If the other side of the PCB does not have any high components, you should
scan this side.
2. PCB testing (larger than the scan area)
You can take snapshots of the DUT by using the scanner like a hand-held probe. You can
either move the scanner over the DUT or vice versa. Scan one area on the PCB and then
move the scanner to the next position.