dOGbOne assemblY Press the two 1/4’’ long
Garlock bushings (9) into each side of the bottom end
of the dogbone (2). Ensure that the dogbone (2) bosses are
supported as the bushings (9) are pressed into place. The
Garlock bushings (9) should be pressed in level and flush
with the outside faces, as shown in Figure 2b.
dOGbOne assemblY
Press the dogbone bushing
insert (8) into the Igus bushings (22) until there is equal
amount of insert sticking out each side of the Igus bushings
dOGbOne assemblY
Place dogbone bushing spacers
(21) on each side of exposed dogbone bushing insert (8).
dOGbOne assemblY
Install the two Igus bushings (22)
into the 15mm bore at the top part of the dogbone by
pressing the bushings level into the bore. The bushings (22)
should be pressed into the bore until the flanges are flush
with the bore face, as shown in Figure 2b.
figure 2a: dogbone (2) with bushings (22 &
9) and insert (8), exploded
figure 2b: dogbone (2) with
bushings (22 & 9) and insert (8),
shOCK attaChment While holding the black nylon
washer (11) to the dogbone (2), place the slider end of
the Fox shock (2) between the two bosses of the dogbone (2).
Line up the bushing bore in the Fox shock (3) with the Fox pin
(10) already pressed into the dogbone (2).
shOCK attaChment Press the 1.3’’ Fox Pin (10)
into an installed Garlock bushing (9) at one end of the
dogbone. The pin should be all the way through one of the
bosses on one side with about 1/16th of an inch of the pin
(10) exposed on the inboard side. Place black nylon washer
(11) on the exposed inboard Fox pin (10) and hold in place by
shOCK attaChment After lining up the Fox shock (3)
with the Fox pin (10), press the Fox pin (10) further into
the dogbone (2) and into the Fox shock (3) until the pin just
meet flush with the other side of the Fox shock (2) bushing
bore. This should leave about 1/16th of an inch gap between
the shock (2) and the boss on the other side of the dogbone.
Insert a black nylon washer (11) within the 1/16th’’ gap and
center as close as possible with a screwdriver.
shOCK attaChment
Press the Fox pin (10) the rest of
the way through the shock (3) and into the other side of
the dogbone (2) boss. Press the pin (10) in until it is centered
in the assembly. This will leave about 1/6th’’ exposed on each
side of the dogbone (2) as seen in Figure 3b. Place a black
nylon washer (11) on each end of the exposed Fox pin (10).
These washers (10) will have to be held in place by hand in
one of the following procedures.
thread prep Yeti recommends prepping all bolt threads
at once on your work bench with Loctite or grease. This will
ensure that all bolts are used in assembly. The medium
strength (blue) Loctite formula along with proper torque is
ideal to keep the bolts snug.
figure 3a: dogbone (2) and shock (3)
assembly with fox pin (10) and black
nylon washers (11), exploded
figure 3b: dogbone (2) and shock (3)
assembly with fox pin (10) and black
nylon washers (11), assembled