By date, All data that falls between two dates and times will be down loaded with or
without the calibration header.
By tag, all data after a tag will down loaded with or without calibration constants
included. If another tag is required the operator will be asked to edit the existing data
tag so that the existing tag cannot used again.
Erase Store data (4)
From the main menu press the ENTER after selecting Erase Store Mem, the operator will
be asked press ENTER or ESC. Press ENTER to proceed and clear memory.
Logged Data Out (6)
Data stored in the YK615 can be down loaded to a computer and then stored, graphed
or printed out using most popular applications. The data can also be sent directly to a
printer. When the data is down loaded, it includes a header, as shown in figure 4 below,
indicating whether the data is from the logger or store memory.
All the parameters recorded are averaged over 10. This enhances the quality of the data
by smoothing out any unwanted transients.