The YK615 comes already assembled. The only construction required is to connect the
probe assembly to the Reader Unit and, if necessary, connecting the external power
Connecting the Probe Assembly
To attach the probe assembly, first unscrew the knurled connector cap from the
SENSOR connector of the Reader Unit. The connector cap is attached to the Reader Unit
by a chain so that it can be replaced whenever the probe assembly is disconnected. To
connect the probe assembly, align the locating pin on the Reader Unit with the slot on
the cable connector and push the cable connector into the Reader Unit sensor
connector then screw home the retaining ring.
Connecting an External Power Supply
Extended remote logging, and charging the internal Reader Unit batteries can be
achieved by connecting the unit to an external power dc power supply such as
240V/18VDC switched power supply, a car battery or solar panel. To connect the
external power, first attach the external power supply lead to the Reader Unit. To do
this, unscrew the knurled connector cap from the AUX BATT connector of the Reader
Unit. Align the locating pin on the Reader Unit with the slot on the cable connector and
push the cable connector into the Reader Unit connector then screw home the retaining
ring. The connector cap is attached to the Reader Unit by a chain so that it can be
replaced whenever the external power is disconnected. Connect the red terminal clamp
to the positive terminal of your power supply and the black clamp to the negative