Description of Probe
The probe assembly consists of sensor, cable and connectors. The body of the probe is made of PVC with a PVC
sensor guard. The interface cable is permanently connected to the probe body to eliminate the need for
underwater connectors. In the event of the cable being cut, the probe has a waterproof seal between the cable
connection and the internal electronics package. At the other end of the cable is a corrosion and water resistant
connector for connection to the Reader Unit.
The sensors can easily be accessed by sliding the sensor guard up and rotating the bottom section of the probe.
(see fig 2b)
The conductivity and dissolved oxygen sensors can be removed for servicing. However, the whole unit must be
thoroughly dry
before these sensors are removed. A cotton bud can be used to dry the spaces in between the
Figure 2: a) Complete probe assembly b) Sensor cluster exposed
by lifting sensor cage and rotating probe base C) Expanded view
of sensor cluster with dissolved oxygen sensor detached.