Device Manual
The history screen allows you to see the last 10 attempted position reports and their associated data
(time, lat, lon, altitude) and whether the reports were sent successfully over Iridium.
Report Frequency
Using this menu option the frequency of automatic position reporting can be viewed and set. Options
range from ‘Continuous’ which will obtain and send reports as quickly as possible, to 12-hours,
allowing for 2 automatic reports per day. There is also a BURST mode.
Burst Settings
Burst mode allows the device to collect many GPS reports, in order to get more accurate tracking
information, but to send them as a batch in order to keep airtime costs down. For example, the device
can collect a GPS fix every 5 seconds, and then transmit those positions once per minute.
To set burst mode, in the Report Frequency you need to choose Burst. Then, in the Burst Settings
menu you can choose how often you wish to take a fix (Burst fix) and how often you wish to transmit
(Burst transmit).
Note: This mode will use power more quickly than other tracking modes, since GPS is kept on all of the time.
Although airtime costs are reduced using burst mode, depending on your settings you may use more
than 1 credit per transmission. 1 credit will pay for up to 3 positions inside a single fix. So, for
example, if you are taking a position every 5 minutes, and transmitting every 15 minutes (so 3 fixes
transmitted), this will cost 1 credit per transmission. If you take a position every 5 minutes, and
transmit every 30 minutes (so 6 fixes transmitted), this would cost 2 credits per transmission.
Alerts Menu
Timer Alert
This option allows you to set an alert message to be sent after a pre-defined interval. This is useful if
you would like to send an alert in the eventuality that you are not able to cancel the alert within a pre-
defined time. Timers can be chosen between 5-minutes to 12-hours.
Dead Man’s Switch
The dead man’s switch alert allows you to set a frequency. You are then required to press a button on
the device at least every X minutes, to confirm you are still with the device. The timer resets every
time a button is pressed.
If a button is not pressed at least every X minutes, or when prompted then an automatic alert is sent.
Temperature Alert
Should the temperature leave your defined range (e.g. 0 degrees to 40 degrees) then an automatic
alert will be sent. This option allows you to turn this alert type on/off and set the temperature over
which the alert will be sent.
Power Loss Alert
If this option is turned on, should the unit lose external power then an automatic alert will be sent.
Bluetooth Pairing Loss Alert