Device Manual
Messages Menu
New Message
From this menu you can choose to send a new preset message
Messages sent using the device will go to your chosen destinations which are pre-setup using either
your YBlog (individual customers) or ‘Core’ management system (corporate customers).
You can choose whether you would like an acknowledgement from the recipient, and if you wish to
send the message immediately (or if not, the message will be sent on the next scheduled
When you are finished choosing/writing your message, pressing OK will put the message into the
outbound queue ready to send.
Remember - if you chose the ‘Send Immediately’ option then the device will try to send straight away.
If not, then the unit will queue the message and attempt send it at the same time as the next
scheduled position report.
It is possible to change the preset messages on your device. There is a guide for doing this available
on our website.
You can also send free text messages, using a ‘pinball style’ on-screen keyboard. Note, we do not
recommend this for long messages!! To do this, go into free text, use the left/right/up/down buttons
to move around the keyboard, and press LEFT and RIGHT together to choose a letter. When you have
finished, choose EXIT to confirm and send your message.
As mentioned, this is NOT an efficient way to send long messages, and we would suggest either
pairing with a smartphone/tablet using Bluetooth (see above section) or using preset messages
where possible.
This page allows you to cycle through messages received on the RockSTAR. You can choose if you
wish to delete messages, or reply to them. Message details shown are the date/time, source, and the
message itself.
Sent Items
This page allows you to cycle through messages sent from the Device. You can choose if you wish to
delete messages. Message details shown are the date/time, destination, and the message itself. The
Device will also indicate if the message was successfully sent, and if it was acknowledged (if an
acknowledgement was requested).