WFC- SC(H) Series
- 19 -
Ambient temperature
7.1 Winter Shutdown
If only heating mode of operation is required from the chiller-heater during the winter
months, drain the cooling tower and associated water circuit including the
absorber/condenser. This is particularly important if freezing conditions are likely to
occur due to low ambient temperatures. Should ambient temperatures exist where
freezing is common at the place of installation, a measure of protection of the chilled-
hot water circuit may also be afforded by the addition of a glycol solution. However,
glycol must not remain in the chilled-hot water circuit if cooling operation is required.
8. Commissioning Request.
After the absorption chiller-heater has been installed, piped, flushed, leak tested and
electrically wired as described in these instructions, and in full compliance with all
pertinent safety codes, the Yazaki authorized distributor must be contacted to arrange
supervision of the initial test-run and plant commissioning. It is essential that
personnel representing all trade disciplines involved in the installation be on site on
the day of start-up to cater for any final adjustment and alterations necessary to allow
the chiller-heater and the system generally to function correctly.
Start-up Check List
The list above should be copied. The copy moreover, should be completed and
forwarded to the Yazaki authorized distributor prior to the request for commissioning.
It is expected that any irregularities in the status of the plant will be corrected at the
time the list is checked. Complete one copy of the Check List for each Yazaki chiller-