Document Revision: v1.0.5
18805 Adams Ct., #110 ~ Morgan Hill, CA 95037, USA ~ +1-408.924.0808 ~ www.washlinksystems.com ~ [email protected]
Document Title: Tech Guide ~ Yaskawa V1000 Basic User Guide
Common Drive Settings
b1-03 Stopping Method
0=Ramp Down, 1=Coast to Stop
b3-01 Speed Search Selection at Start (Flying Start)
0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
b5-03 PID Input Time Debounce (in seconds)
If used typically between 1.0-3.0
(note if more then one motor on same sensor, times must be different to prevent drive speed bouncing)
C1-01 Acceleration time 1 (in seconds)
Typically between 3.0-15.0
C1-02 Deceleration time 1 (in seconds)
Typically between 3.0-25.0
d1-01 Frequency Reference 1 (speed in Hz)
Typically between 35.0-60.0
d1-02 Frequency Reference 2 (speed in Hz)
Typically between 35.0-60.0
o1-02 Monitor selection after power up (what the display shows)
3=Output Frequency (what speed the motor is running in Hz.)
4=Output Current (how many amps the motor is using when running)