Subject: Example Code Manual
Product: MP2000iec
Doc#: EM.MCD.09.095
Title: Example Code Manual for Linear Flying Shear on MP2300Siec Sigma-5 Demo using camming
July 13, 2009
Page 19
Figure 19: Total phase shift back to cancel accumulative shifts
If a part is detected when the slave is in the window area, the phase shift is calculated based on the difference
in master position between two adjacently detected parts on the scale of one cam cycle. This position difference
will be the shift to be incorporated in such a case. This is shown in Figure 20. Figure 21 illustrates how the
master distance and phase calculations are done when the slave is in sync and a shift has to be performed for a
new registration. Figure 22 describes the logic to decide when the shift should be executed for a new registration
while the slave is cammed.