Subject: Example Code Manual
Product: MP2000iec
Doc#: EM.MCD.09.095
Title: Example Code Manual for Linear Flying Shear on MP2300Siec Sigma-5 Demo using camming
July 13, 2009
Page 14
Figure 11 is a screen shot of the logic that executes the MC_TouchProbe FB to capture a registration. The three
scenarios in which it needs to be triggered are
a) when the machine is started the first time (master in velocity)
b) When the cam is engaged but the window feature is active
c) When the cam is active but no part was detected in the window and cam out is executed
Figure 12: Trigger abort block
The touch probe functionality is aborted as soon as a part is detected, or if the master stops its move or if the
window is over.
Figure 13: Capturing the raw position of the registration latch