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Important Notes
The YD7403 is intended exclusively for opera on on an electric model railway.
The YD7403 is
a toy and is therefore
suitable for children under 14 years of age.
leave the YD6016LN-CS opera ng without your presence. Please disconnect the product before leaving it unaGended.
Voltage sources (power supplies, transformers, etc.)
must comply
with the current VDE/EN and CE standards.
The voltage sources used (power supplies, transformers)
must comply
with Protec on Class 2. Failure to comply may result in serious damage to the
YD6016LN-CS . The voltage sources must be marked with this symbol (illustrated below).
Further informa on on the
rotec on
lass 2 can be found here: hGps://www.xppower.com/resources/blog/iec-protec on-classes-for-power-
Voltage sources must
exceed a maximum output current of 3,5A.
Voltage sources must be fused in such a way that a cable fire cannot occur in the event of a fault.
A common earth connec on of different voltage sources or circuits is
permiGed. This will destroy the YD7403.
It is essen al to ensure that the wiring cross-sec on of the individual connec ons is sufficient.
The connec on terminals are designed for a cross-sec on of 0.75 mm².
Connec on work must always be carried out in a de-energised state. Disconnect or switch off power AC/DC and signal input.
The YD7403 must
be installed near sources of intense heat, such as radiators or places exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, install the YD7403
in a place with sufficient ven la on to be able to dissipate the waste heat.
The YD7403 is designed for dry indoor use only. Therefore, do
operate the YD7403 outdoors or in environments with extreme fluctua ons in tem-
perature and humidity.
aGempt to open the YD7403. Improperly performed ac ons can lead to the destruc on of the YD7403 .