6. Mount Handle Control Plate (17) to Support Bracket Seat (19) using Bolts
M8x25 (14), Spring Washers (15), Flat Washers (16) and Nuts M8 (20).
Tighten with wrench until secure.
Figure 6
7. Insert the Coil Spring (10), Flat Washer (11) into the Control Handle (9),
tighten with Bolt M8x40 (13);
Attach Control Handle to Arm shaft with a Bolt (7), two Flat Washer (8), and
a Nut M10 (12);
Tighten to a point where the Arm can still move.
Figure 7
8. Mount the Motor Assembly to the Support Bracket Seat (19) using Bolts
Control Plate(17)
Spring Washers(15)
Flat Washers(16)
Coil Spring(10)
Flat Washer(11)
Flat Washer(8)
Control Handle(9)