If the fuel level warning light comes
check the fuel level, and, if nec-
essary, refuel as soon as possible.
2 . Shift the transmission into the neu-
tral position.
When the transmission is in the neutral
position, the neutral indicator light
should be on, otherwise have a
Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir-
3. Turn the starter (choke) on and
completely close the throttle. (See
page 3-8 for starter (choke) opera-
4. Start the engine by pushing the
start switch.
N O T E :
If the engine fails to start, release the
start switch, wait a few seconds, and
then try again. Each starting attempt
should be as short as possible to pre-
serve the battery. Do not crank the en-
gine more than 10 seconds on any one
The oil level warning light and
fuel level warning light should
come on when the start switch
is pushed, and they should go
off when the start switch is re-
If the oil level warning light flick-
ers or remains on after starting,
immediately stop the engine,
and then check the engine oil
level and the vehicle for oil leak-
age. If necessary, add engine
oil, and then check the warning
light again. If the warning light
does not come on when push-
ing the start switch, or if it does
not go off after starting with suf-
f i c i e n t e n g i n e o i l , h a v e a
Yamaha dealer check the elec-
trical circuit.
If the fuel level warning light re-
mains on after starting, stop the
engine, and then check the fuel
level. If necessary, refuel as
soon as possible, and then
check the warning light again. If
the warning light does not come
on when pushing the start
switch, or if it does not go off af-
ter starting with sufficient fuel,
have a Yamaha dealer check the
electrical circuit.
5. After starting the engine, move the
starter (choke) lever back halfway.
For maximum engine life, always
warm the engine up before starting
off. Never accelerate hard when the
engine is cold!
Summary of Contents for Vmax VMX12N
Page 1: ......
Page 10: ......
Page 27: ...INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Damping force Minimum soft 1 Standard 1 Maximum hard 4 3 14 ...